All vapes require a certain level of maintenance, and some more than others. The Firefly is no exception to this, so we made an easy 5 step how-to guide on cleaning your Firefly and how to maintain it so that it's always in the best ready-to-vape condition.
Let's be honest. The Firefly is a classy vape, and you know you're not going to impress anyone with a clogged airway. If you're like us, you actually want to be able to see your material through the quartz crystal window, or else what's the point? So grab your Firefly cleaning kit, some isopropyl alcohol, and a couple q-tips or a cotton ball. Without further ado, here are 5 steps to a cleaner Firefly:
1. First, take out the screen.
The easiest way to do this is to use one of the cleaning picks to slide the screen to one side of the chamber, and use your finger and the pick to sandwich the screen and remove it. Soak the screen in isopropyl alcohol while you're cleaning the rest of your Firefly. We'll come back to that later.
2. Then, Sweep out the chamber first by using the double-sided brush that is included in the cleaning kit.
Hold the Firefly so that the glass chamber is facing downwards. You want to hold the Firefly upside down so that you eliminate the chance of moisture leaking into the tiny holes on the plating of the heating chamber. Lightly moisten a q-tip or a cotton ball and wipe down the glass and the bottom plate until sparkling clean. While you're there, go ahead and give the top plate of the Firefly's chassis a good wipe down. This can be cleaned with the included alcohol wipes or isopropyl alcohol.
3. Cleaning the window is a delicate process, so use caution.
You do not want to be too rough with it. It is best to clean the window more often than not so that you do not get too much buildup. It will be much harder on you to clean later! Pay special attention to the six vapor channels that surround the window. If these areas are clogged with residue and vapor can't travel through the path, you're going to have a bad time.
4. Pay attention to the mouthpiece area occasionally, and use the cleaning picks to get in those hard-to-reach areas.
There is a re-entry point on top of the chassis where the vapor travels into the mouthpiece, and pieces of your material can get stuck in there, causing blockage.
5. Replacing the screen is the final step, and it is very easy.
Once it is all clean from your iso dip, use your fingers to create a dome shape with the screen so that you may easily slide it back into place.
Bada bing bada boom! It's that simple. Keep up with these cleaning techniques every few uses and you will always have a Firefly that's tidy and ready to rock.
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