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Collection: Eyce

About Eyce 

Eyce is the brain child of two brothers looking for a revolutionary way to create innovative dry herb pipes utilizing platinum-grade silicone and good old fashioned water. Since 2013, Eyce has been creating flexible, durable, and very easy to clean silicone pipes; no matter how long you go between spot checks. The Eyce Mold made it possible to create an ice water pipe that delivers cooled down dry herb draws. Once the Eyce Mold took off, the founders pivoted to elite silicone pipes, concentrate rigs, and water pipes. 

What Is Eyce's Platinum-Cured Silicone?

Eyce Molds uses platinum-cured silicone for their pipes because it is the most durable, cleanest, and safest silicone on the market. While it's been around for over 100 years, Eyce says they've "perfected" the process. It's also considered the best option where purity is a concern like food, beverages, and in this case, water pipes. Platinum silicone is also less oily and greasy compared to peroxide cure silicone.

Here's a brief explanation about creating platinum silicone: 

  • Before the curing process, silicone rubber is a highly adhesive gel or liquid. In order to turn into a solid and shape it into a water pipe, silicone needs to go through either a platinum cure or peroxide cure.

Eyce Silicone Pipes vs Glass Water Pipes

To enhance your smoking experience, there's a few pros and cons between silicon and glass water pipes that you should consider.

Eyce Silicone Pros: 

  • Silicone is a better option for beginners and smokers who want to take their glass pipes on trips or to parties.
  • Silicone water pipes are easier to clean because you can take it apart to clean hard to reach areas.
  • Silicone is more affordable than glass because it takes less effort to create silicone.

Eyce Silicone Cons:

  • You're sacrificing the flavorful experience glass offers with silicone. 
  • You can't see the smoke travel through the glass pipe, so if you want to live the entire smoke experience during a session, silicone isn't the best option for you. 

There are a lot of reasons to consider buying an Eyce silicone pipe over a glass piece. Not only is silicone incredibly durable, great for on-the-go use, but it's also food-grade safe and a great heat conductor. Plus, it's more affordable.

The Eyce ProTeck Line

Eyce's most recent endeavor is the ProTeck Glass Series. This line features Eyce's premium glass encased in their world-famous platinum cured silicone to ProTeck your purchase. If you find yourself on the go and want the peace of mind that comes with silicone encased glass while taking your sessions to new heights, then this line was made for you! Part of the ProTeck Glass Series is the Eyce Rolling Tray. It's a durable 2-in-1 accessory piece that features a spacious inner glass rolling tray and platinum-cured silicone exteriors, which act as a secondary tray when removed.

Each tray comes in Eyce's classic, multi-color silicone striping, making each Eyce Rolling Tray unique to its owner. The Eyce Spark ProTeck Glass Rig is a unique piece that includes a unique blend of glass and Eyce silicone, making it a premier product. It's also the new shining star in the ProTeck Glass series and features thick borosilicate glass that's protected by a platinum-cured silicone sleeve, battery-powered white LED light, concentrate bucket, dry herb bowl, steel poker, tool holders, and hidden storage


Your Eyce Pipe should be regularly cleaned to maintain its longevity. Here's a brief step by step guide to clean your Eyce pipes, but check out our deep dive article to keep all your devices clean

Here’s a few cleaning supplies you’ll need to get started

Once you have all your supplies:

  • Start with separating the glass from the silicone
  • Add your cleaning solution to the inside of your smoking device
  • Wait 5 minutes so the solution removes caked on residue
  • Scrub the inside of your pipe with Q-tips to get those hard to reach areas
  • Rinse out your Eyce product
  • Wipe down dry using a towel