
The Affiliate Program is designed to help you earn money from your website. not only offers you the latest and greatest vaporizers to sell, but the newest in smoking accessories. No matter your audience, our content allows you to immediately start earning income on every customer you refer. As soon as you become one of our affiliates, we will give you exclusive access to a variety of promotional content that you can use on your website, blog, or favorite social media platform to help you stand out. Whether you’re trying to help your readers enjoy the newest vape technology or tweeting out a link for your e-rig recommendation, the affiliate program is designed to help you succeed. Here at we’re looking to build partnerships within our community and help educate our customers and your users. Join today!

What We Offer

We have partnered with Impact Radius, an innovative digital marketing platform that tracks all media channels and automates tag management while viewing and optimizing conversion paths. With Impact Radius, you will get all of the following.

  • Detailed Product Level Reporting

  • Universal Pixel Tracking Solution

  • Improved Commission Tracking

  • API Access To Product Catalog

  • Easy Create Access

  • Newsletter With Sales Opportunities

How To Get Started

  • Sign Up

    Just click on the “Get Started” link below to create an account on Impact Radius. Your account will be reviewed by our affiliate team and approved within 1-2 bussiness days.

  • Account Content

    We provide banners, links, promotions, and product feeds to help you get started. With so many ways to promote, we've got you covered.

  • Earn Comissions partners with Impact Radius for tracking, reporting, and payment. Join today and start earning commission on sales you refer to

Yes, it’s that easy!

Sign up and partner with today!

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