What Is CBD?

woman using Select CBD vape pen outside

CBD has taken over the health and wellness market with seemingly no end in sight. If you are in a state where CBD is legal, you have likely seen an increase in CBD products for sale at roadside stands, drugstores, and even in eating and drinking establishments.

The growing access to CBD is great, but it seems to have outpaced the information available to consumers. In response, below is a rundown of some of the most common questions about CBD; how to use CBD, what forms it comes in, and, well, what exactly is CBD?

What *Exactly* Is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring, plant derived compound extracted from Cannabis Sativa, the species of plant that includes both hemp and marijuana (dry herb), but from different plant varieties or cultivars.

Will CBD Get Me "High"?

Short answer: no. Dry herb contains, among other compounds, CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). CBD sold on this website is extracted from the dry herb to create a substance that contains no or up to .3% THC. THC will provide a “high” that CBD does not. THC activates CB1 receptors in your brain that are associated with the properties of being “high.” In contrast, CBD is an antagonist for these receptors, blocking or modulating any intoxicating effects caused by CB1 receptors.

As with any substance, CBD will not have the same effect on each consumer. If you are new to CBD, you should use under supervision and be sure to read and follow the product’s directions. As a consumer, do your best to ensure that your product is tested for quality assurance, so it is best practice to find and view a product’s certificate of analysis (COA). The COA will provide you with information on the product’s ingredients, THC %, and origin.

Is CBD Legal?

As of 2018, the President of the United States signed the 2018 Farm Bill into law, thereby expanding hemp cultivation, and the sale of hemp-derived products, so long as those items are produced in a manner consistent with the law. Most notably, hemp and CBD products cannot contain more than .3% THC; they also must comply with certain other federal laws and regulations.

Additionally, each state has its own laws concerning hemp and CBD, and some states ban those products altogether. As a consumer, make sure to check your state’s law on CBD and the THC % in each product.

What Is The Best Way To Take CBD?

The decision of how to take CBD comes down to what your goals are and why you are taking CBD; topicals, tinctures, ingestible products, and vaporizer pens all can impact you differently.

Make Sure There Are No Claims 

If *any* CBD product claims to cure a disease or treat any kind of illness, do not purchase that product.

Know Your Dosing

If available, try and pinpoint how much CBD will be in each tincture dose, lotion pump, or draw. Many brands will provide this information on product pages and packaging. 

Different Kinds of CBD

There are three types of CBD: Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and CBD Isolate. For a more in depth explanation on the different kinds of CBD check out our CBD blog here.

Full Spectrum CBD

Full spectrum CBD is an extract that contains all naturally occurring and extractable compounds of the plant, including all terpenes, flavonoids, plant parts, and other properties. OF NOTE –full spectrum CBD will likely contain trace amounts of THC; .3% or less to be compliant under the 2018 Farm Bill. If you may be subject to a drug test, or do not want THC in your system, full spectrum CBD is likely not best for you.

Broad Spectrum CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD contains everything found in full spectrum CBD, except THC.

CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD. CBD isolate is produced by singularly extracting CBD and isolating it from all terpenes, flavonoids, plant parts, and other properties of the plant. CBD isolate does not contain THC.