Collection: Solid Concentrate Vaporizers
Concentrates have gone through a fast evolution since they burst onto the scene in the early 2010s and the vaporizer industry has kept up with vaporizers made for specific kinds of material. Solid concentrate vaporizers are best used for thicker concentrate material as opposed to runnier or more e-juice like options. Solid concentrate vapes can range from desktop units like the Volcano Hybrid to the portable Firefly 2+ Vaporizer, leaving users no shortage of where and how they can enjoy their solid concentrates.
Some vaporizers that can vape solid concentrates will also accommodate dry herb, these devices will feature a "concentrate insert" that serves as a kind of plate for your material. Users will place a dab of their concentrate onto the insert, then put the insert into the heating chamber. It is important to keep your concentrate insert clean to ensure flavor integrity between types of material.
If you do enjoy material other than thick, solid, concentrates head over to our selection of Multi-Compatible Vaporizers that can handle solid concentrates, e-liquids, and dry herb.
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